I posted on facebook, “being among world’s best students in college does inferiored me, but, masih ada perokok2 x bertamadun berkeliaran di world’s premier college nih.. haihz~”. Feedbacks?
“cant agree more…”
“oi… hak kemanusiaan ekslusif lahh… apesal jage tepi kain orang?!!”
“wohoo.. rokok ahh baru nmpak cool~”
“cehh.. cool apesal pulak?”
“dude~ u really need to be a man…”
“fifi kau amik subjek history x?”
“tak. Apesal?”
“rokok melambangkan ketamadunan la bro…”
“dunhill; gaya, mutu, keunggulan…”
“haha ****, rokok memang melambangkan ketamadunan, tapi ketamadunan manusia yg mundur!!!”
“Tangan!!! (erk?)”
“Woit ******, ape sumpah2? X elok owh sumpah seranah mereka. It is our task to drag them back to a civilized society”
“ape klass rokok2~ skarang org tibia shisha kowt…”
“kene suggest kat café supaya jual shisha”
“I’ll be a regular customer then… =.=’”
“sgt setuju!!! Diorang perlu dibanteras!!!”
“mcm lah kitorang ni sampah masyarakat sgt…”
“at least ade sumbangan income kerajaan kowt~”
“perokok=sampah masyarakat? Means, xde beze and 2x5 dgn penagih dadah tegar?”
“yeah!! Banteras!!! Banzai!!!”
“Wooh!!! Kau telah mencetuskan peperangan di kolej!!!”
“perangi sampah masyarakat pun salah kee?”
“Crow zero ahh jom!!!”
“biarlah diorang dgn hidup diorang… get a life pussy…”
“get ur life by ruining ur life with cigarettes?! Pale hotak ko~”
“Cehs,,. Bajet baik ke hape ko nih? Ape kau ingat senang ke org nk berubah?”
“ntah. Ko jgn ingat ko tuh malaikat~”
“hahah!! Mcm panas je wall post nih…”
“Ok. Everyone who smokes answer this. If a girl asked you; do u smoke? Feedbacks?”
“apehal tetibe tanye soklan nih…”
“sesape yg berkaitan tu… jawab je la..”
“aku jawab. Once, I smoke. But, it was then… =)”
“err… are there any girls dare to ask this?”
“my ans; I smoked seldom laa… but, if it was like, korang lepak mane2 kat downtown, then ur friends hulur the cookies, of coz u wont refuse rite?”
“heh… aku tau sgt korang menipu…”
“Yup yup, most guys aren’t honest enuff with the girls… we hate that”
“so guys and lads, lets opt for shisha!!!”
“apehal ko kluar topik lak nih?”
“Haha ganass gile ko kondem… dahla x bertamadun, berkeliaran pulak tuh… manusia purbakalakah? Kui3~”
“agak arh…”
“anda tercocok?”
“hey guys!! Juz asking. Are there any verse in the quran states the discouragement of smoking? –juz a curious nonmuslims and thnx for replying me.”
“yes, there are!!!!”
“oh… ok. Thanks again”
“no biggie dude~”
Silence. No more comments, as expected. Typical Malaysians lahh… but this is a serious issue, really. Like my friend said. “bukanlah imaginasi mahupun ilusi, tetapi suatu situasi dan realiti yg sedang dimanifestasi”. Ok, blogged out. Bye~
dah macam dialog bangsawan dah.boleh lah tolong budak-budak skrip buat skrip nanti.ahah.
btw, org yang merokok adalah orang yang sengal.ada ke patut bakar duit?yg shisha tu pun sama la, sedut asap entahpape je.
Astaghfirullah halazim...itu jer yang aku mampu aku taip.
dialog bangsawan? heh..tu arh psl.. gampang best jugak aa kalo buat camni.. lalala~
nisa'; itu je yg termampu? kamonlah.. bring me more lasers lady..
aku ade classmate yg merokok...
setiap kali fikirkan psal die rse sdeyh de jugak..and makwe die plak housemate ak... bukan xpernah tegur but x la straight forward..what to do akhi?
tajuk post baikkk punyaaa
atiq; tu la kau.. sape suroh xstret 4ward.. kan elok kalau ko trus direct sound kasi desing sket tlinge die... tapi berhati2lah dlm menyusun kata2.. parah kalau terlepas.. kalau perahu bolehla jugak kite undur.. ye dak?
syasya; yeah.. title post mesti ahh kene gempak nk kasi search engine jumpe kite.. hek3~
Komen yang agak hangat..pewh~panas telinga ni klu ade smokers yang bce..
uuuh..gua support lu..owh yeahXD
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