
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Twins of Faith Malaysia 2011

A world where EVERY MUSLIM is able to live FAITHFULLY to their BELIEF, building AN EXEMPLARY ISLAMIC COMMUNITY that BENEFITS humanity

Awesome. Sehr cool.

And alhamdulillah for He had gave me the opportunity to be part of the twinsoffaith family event last weekend. For me, this event is one of a kind, a unique one, in a way that participants were warned at the very beginning of the event on what they should be expecting. As in textbooks, learning outcomes were outlined, and the same theme of ‘ilm & amal’ was highlighted throughout the 2-day conference.

Inputs flooded my brain gates that I felt there’s so much to share. And so much to ponder upon. Oh well, the same goes to my Facebook and Twitter feeds. =)

So I guess posting what’s available in those social networks would be more than enough, ey? Haha. so here's the list.

ISLAM stands for I Shall Love All Mankind :D

Kalau I Shall Love All Malays? :) Well - that's fine also because Malays are part of Mankind but Mankind is the truest from Islam :) 
- Sheikh Hussein Yee

1) We are being taught about sincerity. On how to work it on, and why we need it. The extreme necessity of it.
2) We are being taught that money is just a commodity for us to go into jannah. Let your money be the oxygen which will fuel up the Islamic society.
3) We are being taught that we are muslims who happen to be students, and not students who happen to be muslims.

'education is for life, not for living'

Circumcision during near puberty is extremely cruel... =.=

Invest 100k on yourself first, before investing 100k on other.
Syeikh Warren Buffet

now i know why brides in india give dowry to groom. =?

Optimus prime pernah berkata : "Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."

Apabila seorang pemuda Islam ingin menentukan cita2nya, pilihlah pekerjaaan yg kamu minat dan suka melakukannya . Senang saja nak tahu, kamu sanggup melakukan kerja itu dgn ikhlas tanpa bayaran. Jgn biarkan pilihan kamu dipengaruhi oleh org lain. 
Insya'Allah :) Allah merahmati pekerjaan kamu yg halal itu. Dan bglah manfaat kepada org lain melalui kerja kamu itu. Wallahualam :D
- Syeikh Navaid Aziz

The best friend is the one that with him, you fell ashamed to do evil :)

Imam al-Ghazali states: “…O beloved disciple, knowledge without action is madness and action without knowledge can’t be!”[3]

Your marriage begins with what you begin when you are single :)

"women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity" (Qur'an 24:26).

Ibrah surah Yusuf: 1st being thrown down to a well, then being sold as a slave, then being tricked by the minister's wife and spent several years in prison.
But later on was raised up by Allah to a high level.
Surah Yusuf was revealed in the most difficult year of The Prophet's life: 'aam al-huzn; when his beloved wife Khadijah & his uncle Abu Thalib." - Sh Tawfique

"Married muslimah, ask yourself. Does your husband run to you, or run from you?" - sheikh Alaa ElSayed

"Beware with syirik. Syaitan has never committed syirik. If we do it, we're more syaitan than syaitan." - Sheikh Hussein Yee

Akhirat calculation must be given serious consideration over the monetary calculation.
For example, halal stuffs must be given priority over haram stuffs even though the halal is wayyyy more expensive than the haram.
A RM20 mineral water VS a RM2 liquor. Which one would u choose?

"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."
Listening to poem by Boonnaa Mohammed - soo cool! 

Conferenced ma'a syeikh bilal phillips, alaa elsayed, yahya ibrahim, hussein yee, taufiq chowdori n met shinji moriwaki, boonaa mohd, muadz dzulkefly.

has witnessed world's craziest donation bid. Awesome

bak kata kawan aku, ramai sangat bidadari (sisters laa) di ToF. Cuak jugak ahh sebenarnya, rasa pening2 sebab asyik pandang lantai tu pun ada jugak wahaha~ tapi rasa bertuah jugak sebab dikelilingi orang yang hebat. Seniors yang bercuti dari Aussie, UK grads yg masih berhubung, local philosophers, semuanya buat aku rasa kerdil gilaa lah.

Looking forward to next year's ToF. kali ni mesti daftar weksyop marriage awal2...!! Chehhh

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nak buat apa di Langkawi?

Belajar. Belajar. Dan belajar. *sila senyum sambil buat isyarat aman.

Alkisah, dalam tiga empat hari yang lepas, sambil menguis-nguis pasir Pantai Cenang, adik aku tanya, “Abe, bakpo Pulau Langkawi namo dio ‘Langkawi’?”

Khali sejenak. “Mungkin sebab kawasae ni dulu bowoh pengaruh kerajae Langkasuka kot…”. Khali lagi. Bukannya aku tak mahu melanjutkan perbahasan asal-usul Langkawi, tapi aku mesti memberikan jawapan yang bersesuaian dengan kapasiti orang yang bertanya. Si adik tu baru sudah dapat keputusan UPSR kot. Tapi sebenarnya terkejut jugaklah aku bila dia ada terfikir nak tanya macam tu… curious sungguh walawehh.

In short, ada banyak teori asal-usul Langkawi. Jikalau kalian merujuk sini dan sini dan bertanya orang tua-tua, Langkawi boleh dikaji daripada tiga aspek; legenda, sejarah, dan epistemologi perkataan. Sudah tentu aspek sejarah dan epistemologi perkataan yang menggamit perhatian aku. =D (Oh well, you’re reading Nazrinafifi’s blog here as a matter of fact, haha).

Lang = burung helang. Kawi = warna merah hati (bulu burung helang); batu Kawi (sejenis batu yang banyak terdapat di pulau ini); tulisan Kawi (tulisan Jawa kuno yang pupus sejak 1400 M).

Ada juga teori Sanskrit yang seperti ini. Langkha (which might give birth to word ‘alangkah’) = keindahan. Wi (which might also derived from Arabic word ‘awi’, oh well there goes my imagination) = tidak terkira.

Ok enough with language thingy, shall we? Maka ayuh kita berbalik kepada tajuk entri ini; ‘nak buat apa di Langkawi?’. Gamaknya, soalan ini lebih elok diajukan kepada penduduk Langkawi itu sendiri. Dan jangan terkejut lah bila rata-rata orang Langkawi itu sendiri, termasuk Pait Lang, akan cakap, “Langkawi ni takde mende sangat kot… barang2 je la yg murah…”. =.=’

Aktiviti-aktiviti di Langkawi, kalau menurut laman-laman web pelancongan, memang banyak dan menarik. Walau bagaimanapun, menurut pandangan peribadi, sesetengah tarikan di Langkawi hanya indah khabar dari rupa. Promosinya hebat, tapi bila dah sampai kat sana, ‘hek elehh benda ni je keee yang ada…?’. Contoh paling provoke yang aku boleh bagi; Beras Terbakar. Ok baiklah Lembaga Pembangunan Langkawi (LADA) sila jangan saman aku, sebab aku ada rasional yang kukuh untuk tuduhan melulu ini huhu~

Nak buat apa di Langkawi? Mungkin ada beberapa hot tips yang aku rasa kalian akan berminat, yang mana tips2 ni takde kot dlm website2 tourism wahaha~

the wind anemometer of the cable car caught my eyes in the first place.

  1. Naik Cable Car Langkawi? Dapatkan harga tiket yang lebih murah daripada ejen-ejen pelancongan yang mungkin ada berkeliaran di luar jeti sedang menunggu mangsa mahupun daripada ejen-ejen yang direkemenkan kepada anda melalui khabar berita. Eh?
  2. Sampai-sampai je kat jeti pastu terus beli cokelat2 yang ada kat situ might be an unwise move. Cuba survey dulu harga di tempat2 lain, especially dekat kedai duty-free sebelah Underwater World… wahaha terlepas cakap pulak.
  3. Sewa kereta. Takpun motosikal. Nak lebih adventure dan menyihatkan, bawa basikal boleh-lipat dari rumah dan pusing satu Langkawi. And and and, galas basikal boleh-lipat naik cable car pastu have a ride atas jambatan gantung Matcincang memang sumpah ohsemm dan sebuah pengalaman tidak seperti yang lain (baca: an experience like no other).
  4. Park kereta anda di tempat yang selamat (sama ada di Kuala Kedah @ Kuala Perlis), terutamanya di tempat2 yang mudah orang tengok.
  5. Tapi aku rasa lebih baik pergi Langkawi naik flight. Sumpah penat gilaa kot nak mengangkut bagasi2 yang luar biasa besar nak naik feri masa nak balik. Lebih parah lagi kalau kalian banyak beli barang2 dapur yg fragile, huh…
  6. Tempat makan seafood yang sedap? Orang kata kena try di restoran Orkid Ria, Cenang. Tapi penemuan ‘jalan-jalan cari makan’ kitorang di restoran Haji Jailani pun sedapp kottt… lokasi: simpang tiga berhampiran Laman Padi, Cenang. Oh and remember, have an early dinner…sebab dlm pukul 7 restoran tu dah penuh dgn tourists. Heee~
  7. Underwater World Langkawi ada daily events yang tidak boleh anda miss, seperti animal show dan feeding session. Have their full tentative in hand before visiting the place. =)
  8. Pastikan terpacak depan pintu masuk Cable Car sebelum ia dibuka pada waktu pagi. Lambat sejam, korang kena beratur selama sejam setengah (ya, ini pengalaman pahit…).
  9. Langkawi National Observatory is worth a visit. Sumpah.

lawatan benchmark parking ke sk haji ismail... kehkeh

itu diaa.. bercuti sambil menjaga budak2 kiutmiut pehhh

"eh awat laa peta langkawi ni tak concise, cisss..."

"abe...!!! tolonggg!!!!!!" huhu takde sape dengar suara aku kat atas ni... XD

So which favors of your Lord would you deny?

be observant, reduce ignorance. it's the little things in life that matters, no?

                          a fat-tailed gecko                                  iguanas.

jellyfish got no brains, no blood and no neurons...So which favors of your Lord would you deny?

Ada satu benda yang aku tak sempat belajar di Langkawi. Dan aku rasa agak sedih dan down. Iaitu prosedur membeli kenderaan di sana dan proses membawanya masuk ke tanah besar tanpa imposed tax serta syarat-syaratnya. Mungkin ada antara kalian yang boleh berkongsi? =D. Thanks a bunch in advance.

Ha, I think it would be best if I shared this. On our way back to KL, since realising that Pendang is a stone’s throw away from PLUS exit (if you go to Langkawi via Kuala Kedah jetty), we tried Pak Mat Sup Gearbox which was rumoured to be very famous amongst locals in Pendang and relatively less known to the people of Kota Sarang Semut. The exact location of this little ‘warung’ is at Pengkalan Batu Hampar Kiri, I think, by the roadside beside a surau with a niche smell of Mihun Sup. Wehh sedaapp kott… kena cuba..!! =DD

p/s= susahhh nyaaa jaga budak-budak waaaaaa…!!!!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

SoLunar Eclipse... erghh...

"dan sering aku harapkan... cinta berlandas keimanan... dan blablabla"

aku lupa apa nama tajuk lagu nasyid kat atas ni...
bosan2 masa tgh drive keluar dari stadium hoki bukit jalil,
lagu yg keluar dari IKIM ni macam tiba2 mengetuk otak aku untuk berfikir. -.-
selama hidup aku mencintai manusia atas dasar keimanan,
masih belum hadir dlm diri aku suatu 'rasa' untuk menghargai manusia...
well, for now, belum lagi la kot.

memang betul la kan kalau orang cakap
"kita tak akan menghargai sst perkara sehingga kita kehilangannya".
tapi, kalaupun aku lost 'manusia' dlm hidup (ie- kematian sahabat baik),
aku tak rasa aku lost segala-galanya.
kesedihan itu mungkin sementara... and i tend to think
"oh, dia dah xde eh...? ookaayyy~" as long as iman dan islam bertakhta di hati.

well, to a certain extent, i may regard ppl with this principle
as a feelingless and lifeless person.
and sadly enough, i realise that i'm one of them
but i don't change,
to have a normal life as others. hoi pathetic gilaa.

i shall stop pouring 'em all out here,
as i know that this will not benefit you guys in any ways, well, for some.
kepada yg asyik dok mendesak aku agar mengemaskini blog,
aku minta maaf sbb minggu ini sgt hectic (la sangat... heh).

to juggle the time between
student and athlete (hoi perasan gila) is an arduous task though.
piles of economics articles to read,
and a week of training in preparation for KSN 9's (though i'm not that serious)
had rewired my mind and altered my daily schedule.
oh, regarding KSN 9's, kitorang kalah tp tak sedih...
sebab lepas grouping kott...!! suatu pencapaian yg sgt perlu dibanggakan.
and i've added 4 caps for my personal experience,
bringing to a total of 50, maybe more.

oh, berkenaan gerhana bulan, falakonline shared a few nice info.
so, untuk sesape yg masih xtahu, jom cekidaut..!!

Jika di Bumi kita akan mengalami gerhana bulan, berlawanan pula kisahnya jika kita berada di Bulan ketika itu. Di Bulan, kita akan mengalami gerhana matahari pula! 

Lebih menarik ialah cahaya matahari tidak akan hilang sepenuhnya. Ia akan diserakkan oleh lapisan atmosfera bumi dan kelihatan kemerah-merahan.

Bumi akan kelihatan seperti satu bulatan hitam dikelilingi oleh cahaya merah, yang menandakan waktu fajar dan senja di seluruh dunia!

Cahaya merah senja dan fajar itulah yang akan jatuh ke permukaan bulan, dan menjadikannya kemerah-merahan.

andaikan anda Neil Tangankuat.

prtsc mukabuku kat atas ni aku post kat satu grup ni...
juga sekadar satu perkongsian... =)
malam tu, selepas solat sunat gerhana,
aku bergegas set-up tripod dan kamera cikai D5k.

tu diaa bergandingan dengan Orion subhanallah~

minutes after maximum totality. 35mm F3.5, ISO200, 6s.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Adidas F5 TRX FG

pernah tengok art attack? haha random gila
dulu aku selalu tengok, especially time dia buat artwork yang saiz gergasi tuh
part dia main cat dan gam kanji tu pun mcm best jugak...
memang ohsemm ahh.
pernah juga aku terfikir untuk jadi pengacara art attack sebagai kerjaya suatu hari nanti,
tapi memang confirm makan simpang laa abah aku tak bagi hoho~
plus, aku pun tak berapa reti nak buat muka retard
mcm abang art attack mahupun mcm sirvishahlee. errr...

alright guys..!!!
maka segmen art attack kita pada kali ini tidak akan kuhampakan kalian (wow peliknya ayat).
anda hanya memerlukan beberapa alat asas...
dan yg paling penting, kemahiran melukis tanpa sebarang parkinson-ness choyy...
jom ikuti langkah2 mudah yg akan aku tunjuk hehe...


1) first things first: idea/stimulus. bergantung pada kreativiti dan kehendak masing2. katakanlah anda menginginkan kasut bola adidas, jadi silalah rajin-rajinkan diri meng'google' imej kasut bola yang anda inginkan.

2) buat lakaran ringkas (rough sketch) kasut bola tersebut di atas sekeping kertas A4. panjang, lebar, tinggi dan kehenseman kasut yg anda inginkan terserah sepenuhnya kepada anda. sekiranya tumit anda lonjong mcm kepala anda juga, maka tambahlah beberapa sentimeter di bahagian tumit mengikut kehendak anda. =)

3) perincikan lakaran anda. penggunaan pensil berlainan jenis kekerasan (BB, AB, A) dan pen Pilot berlainan mata (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0) adalah sangat digalakkan. alaa... lukis mcm korang selalu buat nak hantar karya kat Gempak tiap2 bulan tuh...

4) gunting outline lakaran anda. tak semestinya guna gunting. pakai pisau cukur pon halal je kalau dah professional mcm Aaron Aziz.

5) sediakan kotak kasut yang bersesuaian. kalau anda lukis kasut adidas, maka kotak kasut adidas diperlukan. kalau lukis kasut Casio, maka sediakanlah kotak kasut Casio. eh?

6) masukkan lukisan yg sudah disiapkan tadi ke dalam kotak yg telah dipilih.

7) simpan kotak tersebut di tempat yg sukar didapati dan peramnya selama lebih kurang 2 hari 14 jam 38 minit sehingga ia kelihatan berhabuk dan sedikit kekuningan.

8) setelah masanya tiba, pakai spec, ambil dan hembus nafas, kemudian bukak kotak tersebut. lalu... voila!!!

errr... sbnrnya nk cakap aku dah beli adidas F5 TRX FG je...
dah la diskaun banyak gila, mau cair aku dibuatnya hadoi~
nahh sedikit pose daripada but cikai neh...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Janda Baik bukan Duda Jahat

At times, I just can’t imagine how’s the life of people who sees things in black and white, often stereotype. These people- philosophically known as post-modernist – do not realize that things should be put multi-coloured, and that people have multiple ways in conveying messages. To share, people may blog. And people may just prefer facial expressions and body gesture, too. Nevertheless, more often than not, words on papers might be too heavy for some that they talk a lot to share. To have a pillowtalk, to nag macam maknenek, to rant, to vlog, and to blablabla….

Oh well, the not-so-long introduction would be enough to explain why I’m not quite in the mood to blog lately. Tu je nak cakap… yeah, you get my point there. =.=


My last weeks of my third semester is hectic that I can’t barely breathe eventhough the semester exam had passed breeze. Nak cari masa senggang walaupun sebentar pada waktu malam memang sangat payah. Sekejap-sekejap ada ‘meeting’, sekejap-sekejap ada je orang yang longgokkan ‘task’ kat aku.

And it was because of these busy-ness that I joined persatuan silat cekak ustaz hanafi trip to Janda Baik; well, to have a kind of retreat I guess, besides taking care of trip’s budget (sebenarnya memang terus ambil alih tugas daripada dia… hoh) from this problematic egomaniac advisor that can’t deal situations of college’s administrative formalities. Oh gawd, I better stop lamenting.

However, the juniors’ committee did their best job in preparing activities for us. And it was a clear manifestation though through this event that I, somehow lose my touch to nature (not in a sense of being a greenthumbers). 

Janda Baik was, and still is, a land above wind that constantly humid with mosses and lichens on tree barks but surely there are times when heat is intolerable at certain days in a year. If my memory serves, I still remembered those days when Janda Baik was rumored by the elders where ghosts, pontianaks and spirits roamed the area and children were threatened not to play outside as dusk subsided. Globalisation, however, fades the beliefs as people and international tourists thronged here. Including us, the locals… :P

masterchef... sape lg kalau bukan ayap.

We checked into a resort named Centella Asiatica in the first day. ‘twas a resort with balanced details of softscapes and hardscapes I can say. We had bbq later at night and played fifa games while eating and conducted internal masterchef competition. All things went easy until later at midnight that I realized the kiblat direction in the surau deviated at about more than 10 degrees. The heck..?!!! Nasib baik ada bulan sebagai panduan, dan Allahlah yang menentukan perjalanannya. =)

The next day we went jungle trekking. The track was slippery all the way up to the waterfall because it was raining the night earlier. Leeches were expected to drain out our blood, but not a single bloodsucker managed to catch my legs although I just wore a three-quarter and short socks. I was delighted about this, also with the fact that there’s other members who were attacked by many leeches even though diorang pakai seluar panjang siap masuk dalam stoking… hahaha.

tanak nasi dalam buluh

I could still recalled childhood memories of being wandering in the dusuns with my uncle in the back of my mind when I was at the age of four, I think. Dusun durian that belongs to my late grandfather (may Allah bless him) in Gua Musang was very dense back then that there’s a few occasion I was been chased by wildboars and also an encounter with Pak Belang. Leeches were abundant and they loved sticking their suckers in my small tiny legs after a vacation into the dusun, but, to my continued amazement, I found hardly any leeches under my uncle’s sarong. That, I thought was very awesome. It was only then, that my uncle shared his magic tricks of getting leech-free in jungles, with wearing only slippers.

Lata Tampit was a sight to behold, with its 7-levels near-vertical waterfall. Our jungle guides were very generous in sharing us jungle survival tips. They explained the ways to cook rice in bamboos, to ssiang ikang, to carefully select the edible jungle herbs, to differentiate the onaks and duris and many more. Dah macam tak payah buat Duke Of Edinburgh Awards kot… hahah!!!

buluh sebagai cawan pinggan mangkuk hayun

It has been a very long time from my previous adventure into the jungle, and the only part that I think I’d lost my touch of nature is, to be aware of the surrounding while trekking. I looked to the earth most of the time that I neglect what’s above, beside and behind me. And it was of this track-focusness that I bumped onto an overhead bamboo. Sudah terhantuk baru nak terngadah.

Magically, nevertheless, I kept my coordinates intact. The skill of affirming north, south, east and west as well as the position of sun’s ecliptic trails were ingrained solidly in my semiconscious mind, I think, as I walked down the track. This skill, as I asked the elderly people, is common amongst anak laut, not jungle people. And oh, penguins are the sifumaster of this skill….

Sunday, October 30, 2011

muscom charity outreach; into the wild!!!

“You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give”

Sdri Waida sedang memberi penerangan tampaknya...

          ‘twas a fine day, yesterday. The annual MUSCOM charity outreach went smoothly as planned, and all praises to the almighty God for granting us a splendid day alhamdulillah. Coz it’s usually raining cats and dogs in this season of heavy Sumatran cumulonimbus formation… duhhh. So yeah, great times I had.

          If I’m not mistaken, a friend of mine, Afif, had tweeted something that more or less goes like this: MUSCOMers had come out with a good idea of doing charity outreach in the zoo. And IT WAS, indeed. Idea Zoohunt tu sumpah cool gilaaa. Need to pass through 7 checkpoints, tawaf zoo buat ke-berapa kali entah, seeing smiles on their tomei2 faces, and what’s more; bonding session with the less fortunates. Amagaaad~ Macam Chipsmore Land pulak. =)

Grup 'Sengal': the championg... hoh.

          Then, there’s this great guy named Imran Rasid posted his FB status as:

Baru selamat sampai di bumi KY setelah menghabiskan sehari dari sisa hidup ini bersama kumpulan anak-anak yatim.Aku mungkin tidak banyak bergaul,berbual dan bermesra dengan mereka,namun pemerhatianku memaksa benak ini merenung-renung dalam-dalam falsafah dan erti kehidupan yang serba-serbi singkat ini.Dalam tenggelam aku dalam lautan fikir,aku bermonolog:

"Sesungguhnya apa yang mereka perlukan d
ari kita adalah sedikit berbanding apa yang kita perlukan daripada mereka.Bantuan berupa wang,pakaian,kata-kata semangat,kasih sayang hanya menyuburkan kekuatan untuk mereka terus mengorak langkah di dunia ini,walhal apa yang mereka ajarkan kepada kita;yakni erti SYUKUR, mampu menyelamatkan kita dari azab api neraka yang menyala selama-lamanya."

          Well, I can’t agree more. What say you ahh? Surely, feeling the fact that I am a bit ‘fortunate’ than these little kids has made me, well, somehow like a mandate for me to cater their needs and to give the best that I could. To be a caliph. That’s normal, though. But it is not a norm for people to realize that they has actually teach us quite a lot. Macam apa yang Imran cakap kat atas. Kan?? Scolded. *tee tee underscore tee tee*

reserved hut for private function bhaii...

          Honestly, I don’t think that I’ve put my best effort in this. Dakwah tak sekencang kapasiti, buih mulut tak sebanyak daya diri. Realizing that dakwah is wajib alone is not enough. Duhhhh… and thanks a bunch Imogen Heap, for your line of ‘mm, that it’s all for the best?’ in Hide and Seek tetiba je mengetuk otak. Cehhh. And ohh, this one is worth reading. Kak ernaaaa~~~

cute.nak.mampus. didn't i tell u earlier...? ohh~

“Bersikaplah kepada anak yatim, seperti seorang bapak yang penyayang.” [HR Bukhari]