
Sunday, September 21, 2014

What we did last summer #1

London - Brighton - Bath - Stonehenge - Manchester - Liverpool - Lake District - Glasgow - Edinburgh - Cambridge - London

Phew! Baru ada chance nak menaip. So yeah I’ve got asked many times like ‘summer buat apa?’, ‘bawak family pergi mana je?’ and many more along the line. Hence there you go; our itinerary above for those yang merancang nak visit uk dlm masa 2 minggu camtu. But of course, 2 minggu memang tak cukuplah nak pusing satu uk. Ada je tempat yg kami over-looked and ter-miss hmmm.

Ok nak mula dari mana ya?

Preparation, perhaps. Masa family cakap nak datang visit, sumpah aku rasa excited gila, haha. Rasa nak buat macam2 di uk. Rasa nak lawat semua tempat (including those places that i’ve never been before because i’ve been saving it for this exact family trip time, duhh). Plus, we rarely do our road trip together pun, as everyone’s schedule is entirely different. Abah with the endless meetings, umi with the P&P at school, and my siblings with their respective universities and school stuffs. Hence the only 2-week together time.

Then suddenly reality sinks in. I realised that this time I’ve to be super-practical (refer my last point in the previous blogpost). Masa ni lah baru nak fikir ‘umi suka tempat2 yg ada banyak bunga and english decor’, ‘abah cannot drive long hours anymore’. Masa ni jugak lah terfikir ‘adik bongsu aku ni tak berapa suka jalan2 jauh sangat’, ‘adik2 perempuan aku ni kena jaga makan’, ‘aku kena tunjuk qudwah hasanah sikit kat adik2 ni, hahhaa bajet’.

But alhamdulillah all went well.

The Irish Sam dan seorang budak Melayu

Before fetching them at Heathrow, I decided to try the Megabus sleeper coach from Edinburgh. It was not really an awesome experience as the ride is quite bumpy despite the huge size of the bus and I can’t sleep well. However, I met Sam and other globe-trotters there on the bus. Seronok dengar sharing travel mereka. Rasa sangat relatable sebab all of them have been to Malaysia and SE Asia countries. For a few hours, kami rancak bersembang from our respective beds dah macam dalam dorm hahah. One of them (tak ingat nama, but what a kind guy he is) treated us at the Victoria coach station’s coffee nero and from there, we parted our ways.

Yang kelakarnya, family yang sampai dulu di terminal 4 Heathrow. Umi cakap, “Umi ingatkan nanti ado lah ore tunggu mmuko pintu sambil pege kadbod ado tulise ‘keluargo Nasruddin’, tapi cari-cari, takdok ruponyo…”

“Haha tu la. Maso abe otw maghi, abe check flightradar smeta. Tengok-tengok, flight MAS sapa sejam lagi awal dari expected time. Laju teh dio bowok.”

“Umi dok raso pun pilot bowok laju. Tapi banyok kali la jugok dio mmutar2 di london tunggu turn utk touch down. Pening raso."

Tu je la reply aku. Sambil tersengih-sengih macam kera kat airport.

Di London, kami menyewa di Creechurch Lane, Greater London. Betul2 at the heart of London’s financial centre dan sebelah The Gherkin (that iconic bullet tower). Aku guna Airbnb service for most of our stay in the uk as it is relatively cheap and consumer-friendly. Recommended.

On the first day, kami tak jalan2 pun. Bagi chance family rest. Settle simcard giffgaff dalam telefon masing2. Recharge senjata2 (5 biji kamera). Dan malam tu, aku bawa Nizam dan Nabila pusing2 sikit around tower bridge. Sempat la jugak beli frozen pizza express buat breakfast pagi esoknya.

Our second day in London was not as glorious as the day before. It was gloomy and raining all day long. Despite the weather, we went sightseeing around the tower of london and accidentally found the exact nostalgic street post base. Aduhai menggamit memori!!! Haha. Then we had our lunch at the Malaysia Hall (first time aku rasa sambal belacan dia sedap) and strolled along the bayswater road.

the ever nostalgic tiang

Tiba2 adik2 perempuan aku mengadu kaki mereka lenguh berjalan pakai high heels. Aku menepuk dahi, seraya bertanya “bukanke abe pesan doh bowok sports shoes?”

“Tahu… meme prepare doh nok bowok sports shoes, tapi last-minute dok bowok sbb abah kato tak payoh,” cebik mereka. Sekali lagi aku mengeluh kecewa. Sudahlah arahan aku tidak dipatuhi, ni tak memasal kaki mereka dah lenguh2. Nak berjalan pun jadi tak best.

Maka berpergianlah kami ke Oxford Circus by tube untuk beli sports shoes sambil window shopping along the street sampai ke Marble Arch. Window shopping lah sangat. Last2 semua dapat kasut baru, abah beli jersi Liverpoolnya, dan umi pun dapat jaket sejuk baru. =.=

Penat sebenarnya teman orang shopping ni. Most of the time, aku dan adik-adik lebih banyak memerhatikan gelagat manusia daripada clearance sale stuffs. Entahlah kenapa, kami tidak mewarisi nafsu membeli-belah daripada umi dan abah, hahaha. Menjelang malam, kami pun pulang ke apartmen kami di Queensborough terrace - selang beberapa pintu je dari Malaysia Hall.

Hari ketiga pun sama - mendung dan hujan aje memanjang. Serius aku tak sangka musim panas di London akan jadi begini, huhuhu. Nasib baik umi bawa sambal ikan bilis dari Malaysia. Sambal umi ternyata berjaya mengubah mood kami yang mendung kepada ceria yeayy!

Dari apartmen, kami naik bas 148 menuju ke Hyde Park belah tenggara. Dari sana pula, kami berjalan ke Buckingham Palace untuk menyaksikan pertukaran hulubalang (baca: Changing the Guard) pada pukul 11 pagi. Takde la menarik sangat tapi ok la watching it once in a lifetime buat cerita kat anak cucu nanti. Di sinilah umi dan abah berkongsi cerita tentang uk royal family yang aku sendiri pun tak pernah tahu.

Kami lalu berjalan melalui St James Park hingga ke Trafalgar Square. Sesampai sahaja di square tersebut, abah bertanya, “eh pah ke mano burung2? tidok ado banyok eh ppati ssini?”

“Abe ingat lagi dok maso kecik2 mulo abe nge miri duk berungga hambak burung sini?” tanya umi tiba-tiba. Aku menggeleng. Sumpah tak ingat. Sambil cuba membayangkan aku versi kanak-kanak sedang berlari riang di tengah-tengah square. Imaginasi itu terus hilang seraya turunnya hujan membasahi bumi London. Spontan saja aku mengajak umi abah dan adik-adik masuk national gallery yang berhampiran - berlindung.

National Gallery pun bukannya ada apa sangat. Ada banyak gambar salib dan baby Isa je la kut. To make our trip educational, aku pun cubalah mengorek kotak memori ttg sejarah agama Kristian yg dipelajari dlm kelas fcr utk menjadi guide yg tak bertauliah, lulz. Setelah hujan reda, kami pun berjalan ke Westminster. Snap2 gambar sikit depan Big Ben tu dan kemudian buat keputusan utk ke Greenwich.

Utk ke Greenwich, kami naik Thames Clipper boat bus - perkhidmatan feri yang terletak di tepi London Eye. Rasa teruja gila ok lalu bawah the iconic tower bridge dengan feri! Haha. Di Greenwich discovery centre, umi menerangkan serba ringkas pula berkenaan sejarah pekan kecil ini. Cikgu Geo in action katanya, hewhew. From Greenwich, we boarded the DLR (macam LRT la kot) to Shadwell for dinner, then returned to our apartment in Queensway.

Hari ketiga ni memang banyak gila jalan sampai semuanya terbongkang tidur lepas balik apartmen kecuali aku dan Nizam. Malam tu, si Nizam ni tiba-tiba pulak cakap nak try basikal Barclays. Cuak jugaklah sebenarnya nak teman adik aku ni naik basikal sebab dia tak pernah tengok cara orang London berbasikal dan tak pernah tahu the unspoken rule while cycling. Kalau kena langgar, memang tak memasal je lah. Tapi sebab aku konfiden yang si Nizam ni sejenis manusia fast-learner, maka aku gamble saja. 

Lalu kami berdua pun naiklah basikal Barclays ke London Central Mosque pada malam itu untuk solat Isya. Berdua je sebab yang lain-lain dah penat sangat nak ikut. Masa cycling balik pula, aku saja je bawa adik aku lalu Baker Street dan tunjuk tempat Sherlock Holmes museum. Okay lah seronok juga cycle malam2 tengah2 kota London.

Esok pula ceritanya di Brighton.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Things I prepare/expect before travel

Below is a list of my personal account on things I prepare or expect before I travel. The important ones. I do not travel much though, but when I do, these should be ticked as ready beforehand.

1) Leader.
Things might get easier if you’re traveling solo, but remember - always appoint a leader amongst your travel group. Also, the leader must not always be the man in charge of itinerary or financial planning or the eldest one. Who to choose is yours to decide, erm well I mean, you know your friends best, right? And Insya-Allah, by following the sunnah, Allah’s blessings and barakah are always upon us throughout the journey.

2) Connectivity.
Internet is a prime source of information, hands down. Make sure the hostels/buses provide wifi and your home simcard is loaded with credits for emergency international calls. If a local simcard is needed to contact your host, do a brief comparison and buy one. You can also share that one simcard number amongst your travel companions to save money. The best connectivity ever, is the ability to converse well with the locals. So read up! And learn Japanese or French or any language there is, by installing those learning apps on your smartphones.

3) Souvenirs.
I’ve always had a friend who would request anything related to my travel destination, be it just a keychain or a postcard. I, too, love buying collectable items and souvenirs I think are endemic (running out of words, sorry) to a particular place. If it’s Turkey, do your research on where and what’s the local price for a decent Turkish hijab or baklava. If it’s Morocco, know that you can get a good handmade pure leather jacket for 30 pounds (it’s in Fez, if you’re wondering). Hence, packing light is of the utmost importance. Leave a lot of space for these.

4) Must-snap-picture destinations.
Get a mental image of where you’re going. Visit professional photographers' website for ideas. Google street images for some familiarisation. Scroll your friends’ photo timeline who’ve been there. Fodor’s travel Instagram and twt_backpacker twitter are also worth to look at. Read, and know that star trails in Merzouga desert as well as sunsets at Pangkor Island are worth a try.

5) Recreate history.
What can get more boring than hearing some lady talking about war through your walkie-talkie in a collapsed ruin? Idk about anyone else, but I hate this kind of service, hahah. Anyway, getting back in time takes more than just read and feel. I tend to picture commoners wearing one-shouldered white toga, wandering here and there through those Roman ruins. I know that I’m not expecting fat men with turbans around Istanbul’s time of Ottoman empire, but to cherish their rise and fall, and seeking relation with the current generations’ culture, is the most sugoi (read: amazing) thing I can feel.

6) Universal tastebuds.
Expect some similarities and differences in flavour. Be a food critic. Be brave trying new cuisine, even if it takes everything just to taste that snail in Marrakech (hey it’s super-delicious I’d tried it!). They might be Kurds, but their Testi kebab makes you went “hey, this Testi kebab tastes exactly like our daging asam pedas!”. You know what they say, food connects people. This point, unfortunately, is not applicable to those who cannot appreciate food hmmm.

So there you go: the usual homework I think that is essential, well at least for me. Feel free to share yours! Oh yes, another one:

7) Be practical.
…and humble as a human. Be prepared to give. Even if it’s just a Kisses. It irks me, seeing people taking pictures of some indigenous children without leaving any smile/token behind. Some just get even worse - shouting ‘hey come here! picture! picture!’ - and then walks away like nothing happens like those kids are just a mere subject for pictures -.- These scum photographers seriously need to get a life. Also, be practical with whom you’re traveling. You would not want to bring your old parents to the top of the Petra monasteries. Just warning.