
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Labour preparation (macam aku pulak yang nak beranak!)

As of writing, my wife is at her 39 weeks + 5 days pregnancy. Baby’s almost due tapi masih shy-shy cat untuk keluar mungkin or perhaps he’s just too comfortable swimming in the dark hehe. I do not really know what to expect, tbh. I know that our little family’s life gonna be different from now on, but I guess the multimillion dollar question here would be “Have I change for the better? Am I a responsible man now?”

I guess I wouldn’t know the answer. Yet. I don’t know.

So after many months of hiatus, I think I will share my preps on receiving our little baby cewahhh acah tulis preps konon.

1. Plan your estimated due date (EDD).

Family planning is super important. And it should be stressed enough in our kursus kahwin and family upbringing. Memandangkan isteri saya doctor, jadi saya cuba untuk plan agar EDD bukan dalam masa beliau dalam HO training or during her MRCP exam. Then I played my part to either rush or delay my yearly KPIs. Benda simple je. Kalau kau tak nak pening kepala di kemudian hari, jangan conceive sesuka hati without a proper planning. Takkan aku nak kena ajar guna kondom pulak erghh.

2. Get your baby+mother essential items ready at 8 months pregnancy.

Remember, fathers-to-be are gonna bring 3 bags to the hospital. One baby bag, one mommy bag, and one daddy bag (just be prepared to sleep overnight in the hospital).

The baby bag MUST have these;

a) Lots of newborn diapers
b) At least 3 clothes (with socks and mittens and cute hats)
c) 3 muslin clothes (or swaddles)
d) Wet wipes
e) Minyak telon (or any other mild minyak panas for baby)

The mommy bag MUST have;

a) Maternity pads (and disposable panties)
b) Clean clothes for at least 3 days (with socks)
c) Selipar untuk ke tandas
d) Breast pads
e) Toiletries
f) Snacks, powerbank, charger, Quran, etc.

Daddy bag kau pandai2 la nak bawak apa hahah. Aku bawak baju untuk 3 hari, sejadah, sweater (penting sebab spital sejuk nak mampos). Pastu newborn diapers tu kalau kau nak yang murah, kau beli time Lazada babysale je. Aku beli Petpet Jumbo Pack 4x60s at RM80 je. Tak payah beli pampers mahal2, nanti baby akan guna 3-4 helai jugak sehari kalau dia banyak berak.

3. If this is your first child, get the best carseat and strollers available.

And the best doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive. I don’t really like the idea of investing a lot for carseats and strollers but I wouldn’t want to sacrifice on quality either, so my final list of potential brands range from Good Baby, Combi, Sweet Cherry and Quinny Zapp. Alas, I chose the Sweet Cherry SCR6 + SCR7 infant carrier with adapter system combo. These are made in China and relatively cheap (at RM799) but they are also recommended by other bloggers and my colleague at work due to its sturdiness.

SCR7 infant carrier can be used with a 3-point car seatbelt, rear-facing. The handle has 3 adjustable positions, so the SCR7 also works as a rocker. With the adaptor, I can use SCR7 on the SCR6 stroller either front or rear-facing (super plus point). The SCR6 stroller is kinda bulky but the large tyres are perfect for a stroll in the park or on gravel roads. If you’re gonna travel on a plane a lot, I would recommend other lighter cabin-sized strollers.

4. Private or public hospitals?

I am rooting for public hospitals 100% hahaha. Tak kisahlah mana satu pilihan kalian, yang penting kalau boleh hospital tu biarlah dekat dengan rumah yang kita akan berpantang. I went to Hospital Ampang je sebab dekat dengan rumah mak mertua. Ye lah, mana-mana isteri pun memang kalau boleh nak berpantang dengan mak sendiri kan? Lebih selesa agaknya.

Perhaps in another post saya bagi review skim FPP Hospital Ampang pulak.

Okay setakat itu saja untuk posting blog yang pertama tahun 2019 ni. Bapak-bapak jangan lupa untuk bagi moral support yang sepenuhnya kepada isteri, baca surah Insyirah hari-hari untuk dimudahkan urusan, baca surah Maryam dan basically baca Quran banyak-banyak supaya baby nanti lepas lahir senang bila dengar alunan bacaan Quran. Saya pun nervous teroks jugak ni, but as people say; there’s always a first time to everything.

Doakan kami!

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