
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Form 2 #tbt

I don’t really observe my learning curve. But if there is a time which I can perceive as my turning point (read: the sharpest curve on my timeline) in terms of maturity and how I see the world, it would be when I was 14. Why?

1) Because it was during form 2 that we learned how to do ‘mandi junub’. Like literally learning it step by step from top to toe. I must thank Hosni (yes budak kmb yg belajar medik di Notts tu) and his fellow batchmates for conducting this mandi junub session for us budak hingusans. Kena bercangkung gosok bagai ditunjuknya. Haha. Jangan harap parents aku nak ajar benda-benda macam ni so in a way aku rasa sangat bersyukur. Dahlah ajar dalam surau -.-

2) It was the same Hosni aforementioned, who woke me up in the middle of the night - 2 am, if I recalled correctly - to ‘assist' him in his study. Dalam keadaan mamai, aku disuruh baca buku teks Syariah Islamiyah kuat-kuat supaya Hosni dan kawan-kawannya dapat buat listening revision. Entah kenapa I did not protest (perhaps due to the unique bullying technique), and thanks to him, I remembered syarat-syarat nikah until now.

3) Unlike other form twos, my form 2 batch had to do all the tedious works typically done by the form 1s. Kerja-kerja buli tipikal seperti susun kerusi di dewan utk assembly, susun quran ikut colour di surau, semuanya kami yg buat. Pernahlah aku protes pada abg Zul, ‘Abg Zul, form 1 kan ada. Kenapa masih kitorang je yg buat kerja-kerja ni?’

‘Alaa rilekslah. Nanti korang besar korang akan nampak sebab apa kitorang mintak tolong itu ini. Lagipun budak form 1 ni tak boleh harap sangat,’ jawab abg Zul lebih kurang. Aku senyap je lah. Takkan nak menjawab pulak. Concern aku cuma satu: kalau form 1 tak dibiasakan buat kerja-kerja berat, besar nanti diorang naik lemak pulak. Dan memang betul pun - entah kenapa makin ramai juniors yg 'lembut-lembut’ selepas batch aku. It was then exacerbated by the introduction of joget lambak @ zumba yg cikgu2 sekolah aku duk tergila-gila. Kuat sangat pengaruh puteri umno ni. Tepuk dahi.

Bila aku naik form 4, the 'unspoken boarding school rule’ became completely explicit. The unspoken rule that says ‘nak bentuk budak biar time form 1 dan form 2. Naik form 3 dah payah dah nak nurture diorang ni.’ Barangkali hanya terguna pakai untuk pelajar putera, tapi kebenarannya tetap ada. Kesan daripada ‘buli manja’ ini, batch aku langsung tak kekok buat kerja-kerja remeh, hatta bila dah masuk form 5 sekalipun. Hubungan dgn seniors pun okaylah.

4) The year which I decided to join the school debate team. But it didn’t last long, haha. Once I gained my confidence - which is one of the purposes I’m joining them in the first place - I quit. Besides, they’re doing trainings during riadah kot! A complete no-no for a typical pelajar putera >.<!

5) 2006 was also the year Integomb started to participate in hockey games, and I think I was lucky enough to be part of this historical stepping stone memoir. By 14, most of my batchmates already had basics in our school’s core sports like basketball and rugby, but idk why, my chosen niche was hockey. Integomb’s first official hockey match was against SAS. It was raining cats and dogs, we slipped too many times on the turf, and we put up a good fight to a nil-nil score during the U-14 SBP tournament, and from that particular time onwards, we played hockey like there are no tomorrows.

6) Kem Kenaikan Pangkat Kadet Remaja Sekolah. Aku join pun sebab org lain dah ada pangkat koperal/sarjan. Aku je yg takde apa2. haha. Yang seronoknya, kem ni melibatkan sekolah-sekolah harian di sekitar Selangor and I was way out from my comfort zone. Ada yg baik dan ada yg baru nak kenal Tuhan. Pengalamannya sama mcm di PLKN dahulu - bahawa kita kena buka mata dan terjun ke dalam realiti sebenar pelajar2 bukan SBP. Kita bermewah, mereka bermengah. Di manakah keadilan pendidikan?

7) Zaman hormon tak stabil. Malah ada rakan yg dibuang sekolah kerana terlibat dlm salah laku songsang dgn senior. Kes terpencillah kot, tapi poinnya, ada juniors yg betul-betul innocent dan tak ada defense mechanism / awareness dlm bab2 ni. Dan ada senior yg celaka yg mampu menggoda adik2 utk buat oral sex. Sejak drpd kes ni, aku makin berhati-hati dgn senior yg suka pegang kita lebih2. Mintak tidur sekatil takpe lagi, tapi kalau sentuh lebih2 memang mintak makan kaki lah.

8) Pengenalan kitab kuning. lol. Ustaz Roslan taught us Munyatul Musolli (a kitab kuning treasure abt the solat) from page to page. Tapi tak sempat habis talaqi pun sbb Ustaz Roslan pindah sobs3. At some other time after Isya or during classes, our asatizah gave us lectures abt their experiences in middle East, andddd politics. Tapi diorang tak pernah pun nak bawak students pergi usrah pemuda Gombak walhal dekat je. Aku tak puas hati hahaha. Anyway, rasa terisilah jiwa dgn adanya kehadiran asatizah ini. Sesuatu yg aku tak mungkin dpt di rumah.

9) Penubuhan ISO (click here)

1 comment:

Safuan Sabri said...

:: hmmmm (btw sape slalu tulis camni. Ce teke)

Unik gile pengalaman kau. Aku setuju point no 3. Aku x kene buli dulu. Batch aku yg lain je. Sbb masuk form 4 kot. Dan aku jambu (walaweyh mntx penyepak). Tp batch aku, nmpk la matang in different level