
Friday, January 9, 2015

"Berapa lama lagi nak sampai?!" #PUISI14

[Ustaz Ridha sedang lead bacaan zikir]

"Berapa lama lagi nak sampai?!"
Peluh merenik, dan dah ada akhowat yang nak give up
"We're almost there! 10 minit lagi!!!"

10 minitlah sangat. Dah setengah jam hike kot.

Sesampai je di puncak,
masing-masing diam seribu bahasa.
Tak pasti sama ada kerana terlalu lelah,
atau memberi laluan alam berbahasa.

"La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal dzolimin"
"La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal dzolimin"
"La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal dzolimin"

Sungguh tidak dapat digambarkan perasaan itu;
menggemakan kesaksian dan pengakuan
bersama desir bayu seisi Glendalough -
singing along the song of submission.
Feeling high.
Over the cloud nine.

Problemnya rasa high tu sekejap je.

Realiti seakan begitu membunuh.
Sudahlah expiry date kita entahkan bila,
(at least hiking hari tu cuma 2 jam je)
kita yang naif ini pula -
"berapa lama lagi nak sampai?"
"berapa lama lagi nak sampai?"


Upper Lake Glendalough
23/12/2014 11:00


Anonymous said...

At least you're not asking "When will I ever get home? Can I go home now? CAN SOMEONE JUST SEND ME HOME?".

It's a positive thing that you're asking when you'd reach your destination. Just saying. xx

nazrinafifi said...

Why is it positive, anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Why indeed.

The way I see it, asking when you'd reach the peak is a motivation for yourself to go on. Is it not reassuring to know that you're getting there? It's a matter of when, not if.

Screaming for home, on the other hand..
Home is a safe place. It's a comfort zone. Bed is love, bed is life and all that, you know. Giving up isn't always cowardly. It's just how life is, after all. Shit happens. I don't think it's wrong to long for comfort of something familiar - though choices you make are important. And I'm digressing. Messy train of thoughts is messy.