
Sunday, March 11, 2012

KY Islamic Week 2012

Kenal effysaiful? Aku pun lupa macam mana aku boleh tiba-tiba ter-kenal mamat ni... err.. time twinsoffaith malaysia, barangkali. ya, juga sempat meluangkan masa bersama-samanya di mph alamanda putrajaya dengan ikhwah2 yang lain. ahhh, memory does fade. All in all, his recent post regarding a syrian's erythrocyte gawped me, in a way.

And hence, creatures are bounded by time and space. Semua orang tahu itu. Tapi tak semua orang sedar bahawa mereka juga secara tidak langsung terpenjara dalam dimensi nilai kemanusiaan. and the circle of humanity went across religions, races, genders and age. Aku tahu ini cliche, tapi kena selalulah diperingatkan bahawa 'to get is to give'. And the person who are being given might just be induced to be generous to other people. <-- video topaz la ni yg best sgt.

Those little things in life like giving salam and hugs should not be taken for granted, i believe. And for this reason, the mission of discovering the essence of humanity need to be campaigned for a week. haha ok lame. So inilah dia, usaha juniors dalam KY islamic week 2012 yang superawesome and insightful.

Ustaz Syaari Abdul Rahman from Ibrah Paradigm Consultancy cakap pasal pembukaan Konstantinopel. Nak kata best, tak de la best mana. Kadang2 bosan jugak cara penyampaiannya. Still tak boleh lawan Ustaz Nizammuddin Alias dan Prof Kayu. Ahaha jahat gila aku sesuka hati je komen orang.

Forum tentang 'Seni dan hiburan dalam Islam' oleh Ustaz Hasrizal dan Ustaz Akhil Hayy juga agak menyengat. Pendapat aku, Abu Saif banyak menjawab persoalan2 yang diutarakan. Berkali-kali juga beliau memberi penekanan bahawa Islam merupakan agama knowledge-based. Banyak kisah sirah, hadis dan pendapat ulama berkenaan hiburan dalam Islam yang beliau kongsikan. Antaranya, huraian motion bahawa 'music must not be purposeless', sejarah penggunaan muzik di Edirne semasa kerajaan Uthmaniyyah dan pendapat Yusuf AQ berkenaan muzik dalam kitabnya Malamih Mujtama' Islam (yang merumuskan bahawa khilaf muzik ada dua; iaitu sahih tetapi tidak sarih dan sarih tidak sahih). 

I am delightful with those pencerahan, but on the other hand, Ustaz Akhil failed to meet my expectations. Ternyata sudah Abu Saif lebih dekat di hati wahaha~ At the very start of the event, i pondered upon sufism practices and how it can be related to seni in islam. Of course, i wished to ask the matter during a 20 minutes Q&A session (sekejap gilaaaaa), which i failed to do so to give way to the other eager listeners as their questions were basically quite fundamental.

But yeah, as soon as the session over, I quickly went to stage and cleared my confusions right. Sufism practices, as Abu Saif said, is not a music/art by itself. Rather, it is a method created to improvise an individual self in spiritual sense. And oh well, cultural assimilations made some of them went overboard, transgressing the principal of Islam in the first place. It's funny anyway; the way aku terus tanya ustaz hasrizal tanpa mengendahkan kehadiran Akhil Hayy (seorang artis kottt...) di sisi. haha

Then, the "Misunderstandings in Islam" talk by brother Lim Jooi Soon. Questions by not-yet-Muslims regarding 'kau kata kapir masuk neraka, habis kau ingat kau Islam kompem masuk syurga ke?' issue is the cream of the cake, as usual. It's awkward though, when kadang2 soalan tentang asas Islam diajukan tetapi otak buntu tak tahu nak bagi jawapan apa kat diorang. hmmm...

Brother Lim, persistent as he is, reminded the listeners to 'judge religions by looking at the source, not the followers', for blacksheeps in every community is unavoidable, no? Na;udzubillah min zalik. And yeah, listening to this kind of talk surely made me miss those FCR inputs gained before...

Oh, and there's this nasyeed interhouse competition. All of my chaletmates and I kembali beraksi pada tahun ini, hehs. Under the theme humanity, we sang Berilah Harapan by Raihan and 'we will not go down' (song for Gaza). They put a lot of effort in practicing (err... aku banyak tuang je kot) and we won second place. Fuyyo tak sangka pun dapat second sebenarnya... so memang grateful gila lahh...alhamdulillah~

Not to forget, Kiwee occupied my time too. Firstly, the time to revised sedikit sebanyak syariah dan fikh in preparation for the islamic quiz. But of course, the time is well spent. Existing and new knowledge is to be applied in life and to be conveyed, bukan disimpan jadi pekasam, insyaAllah. The only thing is that, soalan kuiz tahun ni macam senang sikit dan general knowledge punya soalan macam merapu gila, haha. Secondly, the time untuk melepaskan kerinduan terhadap archery. Kat sekolah dulu selalu jugak la kot main archery. Good job juniors. Aku suka event ni.


hoshizora said...

salam, sgt menarik kot islamic week krg, hmmm IBt xde la plak zannen...

azlin (ex-ketua wirawati charlie) said...

slm, aku tgok ko sgt bjaye skrg, ak doakan ko bjaye!-azlin