
Monday, April 25, 2011

randomness sebelum exam

i closed the 'sebongkah batu di kuala berang' book
and put it on my study table
'twas messy on the table
with dan brown's novels, hlovate's, spm revision books, william leno thingy and stuffs...

wait. revision books?
oh.. dengan duka hatinya saya ingin maklumkan bahawa
saya kehilangan buku Longman Physics kaler hitam,
and AS level exam is realllly around the corner,
so,sesaper yg ade jumpe buku tu tolong pulangkan ye...
*tee tee underscore underscore tee tee*

# mungkin lepas ni dah xde post dah. sorry sheikh for not meeting ur demand on my catatan kembara.

# frust jugak sbb x pegi bookfair kat pwtc. i've been attending that event since form 2 kot.. tetibe je tahun ni xpegi. so, it was a record, really.


Norain Ishak said...

rugi ar tak pergi pwtc, kan hlovate baru release novel baru dia.

Nina Mazlan said...

x post da smpi AS = Ari Sabtu ke? =.=

fifi said...

norain; oh. tau2. fifi baca bahan yg bermutu je sbnrnye. and i think her new novel mcm agak x brape superb sgt la.. so, xde la frust sgt kalu x beli novel baru beliau.

erna; entah la.. tp akak jgn la look 4ward kat post baru fifi,hehe.. segan kowt~ woha!

hoshizora said...

salam...proudly say that ak pegi bookfair!!!....hihi
goodluck exam =)