
Friday, April 9, 2010


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Ktap! Ktap! (jari2 ku letupkan) haih~ da lama gle aq x update blog nih.. banyak aktiviti la kot.. ceh! Walhal aq nih pmalas orangnye..okok. ni nak kongsi r cket pengalamanku dtemuduga oleh JPA.

Details: day: Wednesday (7th April 2010)

Venue: Putrajaya International Conference Centre (PICC)

Time: should be at 2 pm, but under certain circumstances, it was delayed till 3pm. Thank god, though.

Mula2 tuh, aq rasa cuak gler r nak dtemuduga nih (walhal, aq da slalu dinterview ek), sbb scholarship JPA ni aq mmg target gle2 ar.. ok, aq smpai kat PICC ni ada r dalam pukul 1.15. tu pun slepas aq mendesak bapak aq antar cepat2, hehe.. pas2 aq pon cek la nama aq kat board.. mmg btol la apa yg alameer da gtaw aq.. sumer detail dye btol…thanks ameer sbb tolong cekkan! Pas2, aq pon naik la kat atas..kat lobby PICC nih..

Da ramai org yg datang..dtambah lg ngan parents, aq nmpak atok nenek pon ada gak..smangat gle diorang nih.. cari punya cari, jumpa la ameer (payah kot nak cari dye, sbb ramai Chinese an kat ctu.. hahah). Kitorang mmg bosan gler r sbb xde tman berbual an.. ye r.. penting r guk.. to ease the tense..

Ameer: anjang, ko x nak bkenalan dengan sesape ke?

Aku: uisy! Mesti r nak.. masalahnya, member grup aq pon aq x knal, nak cari diorang tuh lg la masalah..

Ameer: okok. Kite maen terjah je..kite usha2 r sape yg nmpak mcm kesepian.. pas2 kite approach r dye..( ayat ameer x leh blah)

Aku: okok. Ni…mamat ni..depan aq nih..dye kesepian an..jom2!

Ntah ape ntah name dak cina tuh.. aq pon da lupe ameer r ckp plg banyak ngan dak cina tuh..sdikit sbanyak dpt r gak tune in palotak aq supaya dpt ckp English fluently..

Dlm kol 2 camtu, bru r dye panggil candidates masuk kat dpan bilik interview. Aq panel no. 4. cam bese, aq bkenalan lg ngan dak2 kat ctuh.. peramah la katakan…hahah. Dlm menunggu masa smpai kol 3 nih, aq dpt knal ngan dak SAS, ASIS, SBPI JEMPOL, SMT KL, n ada r banyak lg, mostly SBPs. Sblom kitorang diinterview, ada sorang kakak nih, kerani kot.. panggil nama kitorang utk menyerahkan folder yg berisi sijil2 penting..pergh..kakak tu bpk cun terkaget sebentar..hahah. tak tak. Gurau je..astagfirullah al dye mmg comel r. true story, btw.

Disebabkan aq terlajak sehingga kol 3, aq jd r candidate pertame..kakak comel tuh kasi tag# 1. bersyukur… dpt jd first nih banyak klebihan aw.. then, tyme tu gak r aq bwat decision tuk x pkai bawak jer..sbb ramai yg x pakai blazer..kang kalu aq pakai, x pasal2 aq kene shoot ngan soklan membunuh…hish..x nak aq! Grup aq ni agak sempoi r, sbb sumer laki2, 4 org melayu n sorang je x taw la tu satu kondisi yg baik ke x..huhu.Ok, aq pon masukla dlm bilik niterview yg sejuk gle bab1 tuh.. sambil memberikan senyuman yg aq kire agak senyum kambing r..kahkahkah. tp seblom tu, aq x lupe r baca surah ‘alam nasyrah’ ngan doa cket2..

Utk interview nih, dye ada 2 pusingan…1st, kene introduce diri..sorang2. 2nd, dye kasi 1 topik bkaitan engineering (sbb sume org termasuk aq dlm grup tu mmg nak amik engineering) n then discuss. Utk part intro tuh, mmg agak banyak r aq kene shoot, cam sial la betina yg pakai baju kurung itam, sumenye dpt aq tangkis ngan bulu tangkis…hahah. Snanya agak bertubi-tubi gak r aq ditanya, camni r; nak amik course ape? Nak sambung blaja katne?(aq jwb la UK), kat UK, nak plan blaja kat uni ape?( aq jawab la Oxford), knape pilih Oxford berbanding uni lain kat UK?( aq jawab la sbb dye ada banyak akreditasi n blablabla aq meng-goreng2 part nih) remarks; interviewer bwat camtuh sbb dye nak tgok adakah kite cepat down kalau disoal ber-kali2. thanks to Lee, sbb dye ada menginngatkan tntang ini dlm discussion page excel9 fb.

Abis part aq, org ketiga mmg btol2 bwat aq terkagum sbentar.. taw x knape? Dye memulakan pengenalan dirinya dengan serangkap pantun tentang diri dye..kahkahkah staile~ org ituh. Bkan tu je, dahlah gune bahasa melayu baku stail debat lak tu..( dye kate dye budak bahas kat sbpi jempol)

Sampai kat part discussion lak, nih kene cakap English r.. the title as follows; tell us about the activities that u’re involved to demonstrate ur passion in engineering. As 4 me, this topic was quite leaned to autobiography, or some sort of storytelling to the panel regarding on wut had we did. Well, I juz volunteered to speak the first.(snanya x nak point aq dicilok oleh org laen..hahah) hmmm, I thought I had gave quite bad impression to the panel…coz I juz tell them about wut I had done at my school before, like participate in innovation competition and photography..same goes to other interviewees, qayyum (ex-SAS) relates wind orchestra with physics, Tan, too, storied about guitars and sound engineering, the other 2 I forgot alredy..

N then only I realized, all of us are rather selfish.. including me. So.. when the interviewer asked; who want to add on? Hehe.. I quickly raised up my hand and started to show my concernness towards other people.. somehow, I had forgotten my dialogue, but actually, here it goes..

‘ok. I juz want to share about albert einstein’s quote. He said that: try not to be man of success, but try to be man of value… to show that we’re particularly good in engineering was not just by telling people that we’re real good in physics and excetera2. the regime also involved on how we had gave back to the students, to the nation and to the society. I believe all of us, here got good grade, a+ for physics, right? But then, I juz want to stress that we had done a good job to demonstrate our passion and love in engineering. It’s simple. And I also believe that we had done a great job to teach even our classmates, inspiring maybe our smaller sisters and brothers in physics. And there are times that we corrected our own teachers, right? Hmm. That’s wut I wuld like to share. Thank you.’

Duh~ aq mmg puas gle tahap gaban r ble dpt berucap sedemikian rupa.. kalu x, aq x taw r, at least aq berjaya convey a message dat we’re not selfish…huhu, alhamdulillah….

Pas2, abisla interview kitorang…tp, salam ngan interviewer tu penting r. make sure bg a firm handshake..yaeh!! I managed to did that.. but overall, aq rasa ni the worst interview aq r..haih~ am praying so much 4 JPA.

Kebetolan lak aq bawak SLR. So.. apa lg.. semua sudut kat PICC jd mangsa snapshot aq r..hehe… tngah practis manual focusing ngan center-weighted metering sebenarya..

Okok. Smapai cni sahaja yea.. ntah ble lg la aq bley update blog aq yg sangat x aktif nih.. assalamualaikum w.b.t.

~the end~


Nur Izzati Abdul Rahim said...

cm confident dpt je?? papepon tawakkal jela. byk btol carutnye..hhhuuiishh..

nazrinafifi said...

tu r pasal.. kalu x dpt jpa, sape lg yg nak biaya aq? hanya mampu doa je bebanyak skrang nih..