
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Voice of Gaza

"I don't actually believe in the power of peace demonstration. Because it's only a part of the process, and it doesn't give much effect as well," said the guy.

The guy is a Muslim as well, a Malaysian like me. Our wavelength of thoughts are a bit different. And while I learned to tolerate in ideas' disagreement, I unconsciously felt quite flabbergasted as I replied him, "well, that's the least that we can do."

And the least that both of us did was standing in front of the Bargate, Southampton in full support of the Palestinian voice against Israel's inhumane aggression.

free Gaza

The demo happened last week, and it was my first appearance in public anger. It was my first experience to stand for a cause. The first congregational movement for my brothers and sisters in Islam. Ultimately, the first brain jumpstart from a sealed box of narrow point of view.

The question then would be; why now? And for this case, I thanked Allah the best Planner for He had made our life events in such a way that they are not some magical coincidences. 

A few days before I decided to voice for Gaza in Soton, I need to accomplish an assignment as a part of my course. It was due a day after the Zionist's madness. The assignment was an oral presentation regarding any project that I've done before. And the project that I chose was a charity outreach towards a group of orphans (previously shared in this post).

The assignment slot was quite lively. My friends were actively asking questions and giving answers after each individual's presentation. But when it's my turn, nobody asked questions. 

Everyone seemed sinking in a deep thought, until my lecturer himself asked me, "do you have any personal attachment to the people in Gaza?"

I realized that I was a bit emotional in my presentation, and to balance that out, I answered, "err… i guess that it's not like what you think. firstly, i am not an orphan."

"It is only because that, most people in Gaza are Muslims. And Muslims are indeed brothers."

Allah said in the Qur'an; 'The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy' (49:10). The solution of the world's complexity is very clear. For Muslims, fear Allah and His mercy shall be upon us. This premise, of course, should not be just a belief. It is the act that matters, no?

I believe, and everyone does, that the West are consistent in championing human rights. Note that the 'West' refers to political figure by default, and it is not necessarily true towards common people. 

        I remembered an incident in a bus. We're holding Gaza banners and signs when suddenly a man came and asked, "I heard that there's something big in the city today… is he (Gaza) not playing anymore?" Lol, the man was referring Gaza to a footballer who happens to have his name 'Gaza'. -.-

There were so many curious onlookers and we'd a great time in explaining what's what. There's even a Punk who suddenly danced and shuffled in front of us, and an old man who repeatedly said "kill! kill! kill!". They were totally random, and what makes it more random was that they eventually came to us and asked us the purpose of this demonstration.

Public awareness; this is our part. What have you contribute?

Nak harapkan majalah Mangga? hmmph

Monday, November 12, 2012

Zameer dan NMG

Saya ada seorang kawan. Dia belajar di UCL dan merupakan seorang graduan berjaya daripada maahad tahfiz. Orang kata dia retard sikit. Retard macam mana tu saya pun tak tahu...
Ayuh saya kenalkan beliau. Dia...

...yang berbaju hitam tu...

...pernah terlibat dalam merekod video kes pecah kelas...

...lebih berminat membuat bunyi bising hasil resonance dalam formal dinner...

...bermain catur di puncak Broga, Semenyih...

...sayang akan ikan...

...bukan aku dah cakap ke tadi dia sayang ikan?

...tak tahu tinggi rendah...

...bumbung dan pokok tempat beliau bermain...

...mengalahkan budak2, tengok tu dia pakai 2 pasang...

...dan semalam, dia peluk aku erat-erat lama-lama ketika aku terserempak dengan beliau di Nottingham Malaysian Games (NMG) 2012. Apa motif dia buat macam tu pun aku tak pasti, tapi kebarangkalian besar sebab nak bagi aku ambil bau jaket Superdrynya. Oh, alangkah sweet kan Zameer Eizaaz ni?

dari kiri: Sheikh Zameer, aku, dan Sheikh Afif.

End of post. Tu je kbye

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mari berlatih kecek 2

          Assalamualaikum adik kakok. Guano tu sihat blako kow? kalu ado hok deme selesemo, ingat2 la pese doktor make ubat keno perabih, ikut timing molep2, pahtu jange make ikut dea deh… hehe. Kawe loni alhamdulillah baru lepah hinggo selesemo. Kalu oghe putih sini dio sebut 'freshers flu'. Pelik gop, padahal sebulae lebih doh aku dok ssini, haha.

Mako adik kakok kito keno la ingat pese Nabi; maso sihat sebelum maso sakit. Maso kito sihat walapiat buleh hungga naik turun tanggo, jange lupo bersyukur ke Tuhe. Mako tahmid tu keno la sebut sokmo. Saloh satu caro nok tunjuk raso syukur kita ialah denge menggunakae anggota tubuh bade hok sihat ke jale mulio… =)

Err… nok crito gapo eh? Ohh, haritu rama la jugok oghe tanyo apo perasaae berayo di perantaue. Perasaae dio…. hmmmm tok tau lah nok royak ggano…. Raso mace ado bendo hok tok buat lagi, sebab tahun2 lepah kawe ajk gerbae ssurau drumoh. Skalo lepah smaye, oghe hok jo bowok nge asoh pisau2 abah. Oghe hok jo wak ttelanjae lembu2. Oghe hok jo bawok keto tolok hatar tulae2 hok nok keno mesin.

Tapi tahun ni, lepah habih smaye rayo, takdok pisau hok keno asoh, takdok keto tolok, takdok sup gearbox, and hok paling petim takdok family nok jjupo rama2. Frankly, raso kosong gituww. Wuwuwuwu~

Skype tu pulok kalu buleh tokse tutup, haha. Skali skype sebelum tido (lepas subuh Malaysia), pahtu skali lagi lepah oghe bangun smaye subuh (lepah zuhur Malaysia lebih kure). Hok bestnyo ado blako anok branok drumoh!! (hok tok kelik Klate la obviously). Umi, abah , la, yaya, miri, che nah, ayoh imran, irham, iffat, kakak ainil, afiqah, ayoh ma, che ni, adam, anis, amar, ayoh du, mok, abe cik, abe teh, kak ngah, abe iqbal, kak nana semuo ado!! merioh sunggoh.

Mujo rama jugop Malaysians ssini. Esokkae, hari sabtu tu ado 'rewang'. Bunyi kaba rama postgrades wak ngekkoh ssini. Gula kambing meme mantap ahh tobak royak. Maybe sebab oghe hok jo blend bawae…? ahah. Allahuakbar allahuakbar allahuakbar walillahilhamd. =)

        Secaro peribadi, erti pengorbanae bagi oghe untuk tahun ni sudoh tok samo lagi denga hok tahun2 lepah (ayat bapak lah nak bajetnya -.-). Seperti katonyo sasterawae negaro Abdullah Hussain dale novel 'Imam'; Berlainan tempat tegak, berlainan barang yg nampak. Kita tak nampak kerana kita tidak tegak di tempat tegaknya. Haa nampak? =P

Lain oghe, lain peel. Kadae2 tu ado jugok oghe hok tok napok bahwo tepak tegok dio doh bruboh. Eh pehe ko? Sastera do'oh kae takut tok pehe gapo satu pulok haha. In simple words, sometimes there are people who would not just acclimatised themselves with the surrounding bi'ahs. Mogo2 kito tok tergolong dale golongae oghe hok hanyut and rugi.

Aite, till then you alls (hancur grammar). Oh wait, mesti ado oghe hok tertanyo-tanyo "eh budok ni bue tobi'at kow post blog dale bahaso Sanskrit?". Ahaks. Sebenanyo post ni ialah post keduo ambo dale segmen 'Maghi berlatih kecek'. Tidok lah ambo biso mano, beranok pon di kolupo jah, tapi mugo ni blog ambo, mako suko hati ambo laa nok wak post lagu2 mano ponggg, hahahhaa.

ps; oh hari ni oghe putih sambut hari halloween. so demo ni paka baju pelik2 laa. hok ttino takdok kijo lain, kalu buleh nok napok blako-lako aurat hok ado (?). jadi apo bezo kakah2 halloween ning denga baju 'islamic fashion festival' kesukaae kak moh? takdok bezo. duo-duo samo hantu.

basikal tua. rindu kelantan. kredit; sini